in Articles, Beauty, Gifts, Inspiration

21st Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Daughter

From the day that she was born, she changed your life irrevocably. From those first toothless grins, to her first steps. From tears on her first day at school, to her first kiss. From rubbing a sore tummy to trying to heal a broken heart. You’ve been together through it all, and every day you pray that you have done everything, when you know full well that you have done your very best. Now you’re here, at the start of yet another milestone – her 21st birthday.

Your little girl is entering adulthood, complete with a home of her own (or sharing with someone – out from under your roof!) and a career. Gone are the days of Barbie dolls, play kitchens and diaries with hearts. She’s no longer a big girl, but rather a woman. That’s why we have put together this list of spectacular 21st birthday gift ideas for your daughter to celebrate this big milestone and set her up for her future.

1. Lifestyle, body, style assessment & colour analysis

A private consultation with a style consultant will ensure that your daughter always dresses with style, even when she’s not dressing up. You’ve taught her that first impressions matter and now you can give her the opportunity to understand exactly how to dress for every occasion – from work interviews, to date nights and social functions.

2. Personal Shopping Experience

Take advantage of a personal shopper who knows what suits your daughter’s personal style and budget. The consultant will teach her the importance of a great fit with cost-effective wardrobe choices to banish bad impulse buys and the importance of shopping for style rather than for fashion.

3. Deluxe Makeover PhotoShoot

Every girl dreams of a makeover and professional photo shoot, which makes this a fantastic 21st birthday gift for your daughter. Facilitated by a team of professional stylists and a studio photographer, this will be a great way for her to get ready for her surprize 21st birthday party.

4. Learn to Make Sushi for One

One of the biggest drags about living on your own, is having to cook for yourself. However, everyone loves sushi, so send her to sushi lessons. You know that old adage about teaching a man to fish – well, if you teach a girl how to prepare sushi, she will eat for life.

5. Night Spa & Dinner for One

Another important lesson that is important to solidify in your newly adult daughter, is to get by on her own. There’s no better way to learn this valuable life lesson than by a night spa and dinner for one experience. She will be pampered from head to toe with a full body massage, hot stone therapy and a foot spa, as well as a delectable dinner and snacks.

Introduce your daughter to the finer things in life, and that’s what she will always strive for with these lovely 21st birthday gifts for your daughter.

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